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uss barb movie

Uss Barb Movie - USS Barb (SS-220), a Gato-class submarine, was the first ship of the United States Navy to receive the designation Barbus. It has the most impressive record of any American submarine in World War II. During the war, Barb is officially credited with sinking 17 ships totaling 96,628 tons, including the Japanese carrier Un'yō. For an outstanding patrol, Barb received a letter from the President's Office. On his 12th and final patrol of the war, he deployed a group of officers who blew up a train in the Japanese home islands, their only land operation.

USS Barb was launched on June 7, 1941 by the Electric Boat Company of Groton, Connecticut. Commissioned 2 April 1942 (sponsored by Mrs. Charles Dunn, wife of Rear Admiral Dunn) and commissioned 8 July 1942.

Uss Barb Movie

Uss Barb Movie

Barb's combat operations lasted from 20 October 1942 to 2 August 1945, during which she completed 12 combat patrols.

Fleet Sea Stories

During his first expedition, he scouted before and after crossing North Africa. She operated from Rosnath Naval Base in Scotland until July 1943 and made four missions against the naval blockade of European waters. Barb's fifth patrol was canceled on 1 July and she departed for the submarine base in New London, Connecticut on 24 July.

After a brief layover in New London, the Barb sailed for Pearl Harbor, arriving in September. Barb discovered that there was money to be made in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and managed to build one of the finest submarines of World War II. During naval patrols in the Pacific between March 1944 and August 1945, Barb was credited with sinking 17 ships of 96,628 tons, including Un'yō, which sank on 17 September 1944. Between September 15th and 16th, Barb was rescued. 14 Australian and British POW survivors from the SS Rakuyō Maru.

Members of the anti-submarine warfare group pose with the battle flag at the end of the 12th patrol. At Pearl Harbor, August 1945.

Barb's last two battle patrols were worth it. Commanded by Rear Admiral Eugene B. Fluke, the 11th Expeditionary Force operated from 19 December 1944 to 15 February 1945 in the Straits of Formosa and the East China Sea, from Shanghai to Cam Kit on the east coast of China. During this patrol, Barb sank four Japanese merchant ships and numerous smaller vessels. Between January 22 and 23, Barb laid claim to the port of Namkwan, now known as Yanpu Wan (明明).

Hell And High Water: The Uss Barb

It destroyed a convoy of 30 ships near Matsu Island off the coast of China and at anchor. The destroyer fired barrage torpedoes at the crew while operating in shallow water and retired at high speed due to rough, dredged and rock-clogged waters. In recognition of this outstanding patrol, Commander Fluke received the Medal of Honor, and Barb received a Presidential Citation.

After the 11th mission was completed, Barb arrived in the US for a yard overhaul and modification, including five (130 mm) rocket launchers, as requested by the captain. Returning to the Pacific, she began her 12th and final patrol on 8 June. The patrol was conducted on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okotsk. In the U.S. Submarine Wars, Shock successfully launched missiles at the cities of Hokkaido for the first time. Shikuka, Kashiho and Shiritoru.

On July 2, he also bombarded the city of Kaihio on the island of Tuli (Okhotsk Sea) with continuous artillery fire, destroying 60 parts of the city. Then he landed on a team of carefully selected members and blew up a railroad train.

Uss Barb Movie

On July 22-23, 1945, an explosive was planted that brought down a train on this beach in Karafuto, Japan. They are: Chief Gunner's Mate Paul G. Saunders, USN Electrician 3rd Class Billy R. Hatfield, USNR Signalman 2nd Class Francis Neil Sevier, USNR Ships 1st Class Lawrence W. Newland, USN; Torpedoman's Mate 3rd Class Edward W. Klingesmith, USNR; Motor Engineers 2nd Class James E. Richard, USN; Motor Engineers 1st Class John Marcuson, USN, and Lt. William M. Walker, USNR. This attack is repeated with the battle flag's companion train insignia.

Jamie Dornan Lights Up Barb And Star Go To Vista Del Mar

Returning to the United States after the cessation of hostilities, Barb was placed in surrendered reserve on 9 March 1946 and decommissioned on 12 February 1947 at New London, Connecticut. On 3 December 1951, she was assigned to the Atlantic Fleet at Key West, Florida. It was canceled again on 5 February 1954 to become the Large Submarine Propulsion Program (GUPPY). Commissioned on 3 August 1954, she served in the Atlantic Fleet until 13 December 1954, when she was finally decommissioned and loaned to Italy in the Mutual Defense Program.

The submarine was commanded by Rico Tazzoli (S 511) of the Italian Navy after Italian priest Rico Tazzoli.

The submarine sold for about $100,000 ($648,000 today) in 1972. Admiral Fluke, if the crew had known about this, they would have bought this sub and brought it to America and made it a museum ship.

On October 13, 2020, Secretary of the Navy Kenneth Braithwaite announced that the Virginia-class submarine (SSN-804) would be renamed USS Barb.

Virginia Class Attack Submarine

This article contains a public online dictionary of US Navy warships. You can find the review here.

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